Here are a few images from the Duke at Kansas football game on Saturday, September 19, 2009 at Memorial Stadium in Lawrence, Kan. Don't remember the score, but KU won rather easily.
Funny thing about this game was I thought it was a 6 p.m. kick off as many of the non-conference games are. I'm sitting around drinking a Saturday morning coffee when I read Ann Williamson's facebook status at 10:45 a.m. that said she was at Memorial Stadium ready to shoot KU football (Ann is a shooter for the
Topeka Capital-Journal. I thought, "wow, she's at the game awful early." Then I thought I'd better check kickoff time and that's when I saw it was an 11 a.m. game! Fortunately, it's a short drive to Lawrence and I was on the sideline with 12 mins left in the second quarter. Thought I actually had a pretty good game, all things considered.
Thanks for looking.